Whilst the Kitties are Nostril to Nostril, Glogirly Welcomes a New Ski Season


ELLIE:  Have you ever observed Glogirly, Mr. Waffles?

WAFFLES:  Zzzzzz….

ELLIE:  I feel she’s out enjoying at the snow once more.

WAFFLES:  Zzzzzzzzz…

ELLIE:  I am hoping she has a heat jacket and stuff. Mittens.


ELLIE:  Good enough then. I suppose I will return to –

WAFFLES:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

ELLIE:  Sleep…Zzzz…

Ski season has formally kicked off in Colorado! Even though only some ski spaces are open with very restricted runs, you-know-who is already in the market stretching her ski legs!

It used to be opening day at Eldora Ski Hotel, so Glogirly and her ski friend left early to beet the crowds. The dawn used to be impressive! 

And after they pulled into the parking zone, an enormous rainbow gave the impression proper over the ski house. They are considering this implies it will be a GREAT ski season. 

Ski like a cat-girl!

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