Kesieberg Merino Stud Manufacturing Sale

The Kesieberg Merino Stud Manufacturing Sale was once held at the farm Leeuwfontein on 7 February on behalf of Willie and Herman Henning.

Kesieberg Merino Stud Manufacturing Sale
The top-priced ram, which was once offered for R23 500, with (again, from left): Thinus Coetzer (OVK), Werner Pieterse (purchaser), Willie Henning (vendor), Jan van der Walt (BKB) and JP Marais (auctioneer). Entrance: Herman Henning (vendor).
Picture: Gavin Isted

The easiest value of the day was once paid for a ram, which was once offered to Werner Pieterse of Doringkloof in Venterstad for R23 500.

Rams completed a median value of R7 116,67. Ewes had been offered for a median value of R2 800.

The sale was once held by means of BKB, with JP Marais because the auctioneer.

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