Please welcome Angel to the Village. She is two years previous and weighs 22 lbs. She is a candy gal who’s taking part in her new journey in Oklahoma.
She has been to the vet for her preliminary checkup and her spay. She used to be discovered to have somewhat weak point in her hind legs and a small an infection in considered one of her creases however differently, is in beautiful just right well being.
Angel may be very timid and crouches down when petted. Her consuming isn’t the most productive, even with treats, however it’s making improvements to. She does drink smartly. She is operating on area coaching and socializing and doing smartly with each.
She used to be now not so certain concerning the tornados that came about in Oklahoma, however she adjusted rather smartly to the entire noises….thunder, hail and sirens. She additionally went on somewhat go back and forth to House Depot together with her foster circle of relatives to buy some paint. She used to be exceptional within the retailer and were given numerous love from others.
Angel has been witnessed to revel in zoomies once in a while and is operating on drowsing throughout the evening. Higher stay your eyes peeled not to pass over when this cutie is going up for adoption!