Meet Blossom! She is a gorgeous 3-year-old, 23 lb candy woman. She is recently dwelling in NJ and is adjusting neatly in her foster house.
Blossom lately weaned domestic dogs so wishes slightly TLC in order that she will be able to feel and appear her easiest. She has been to the vet. All bloodwork got here again just right, however her feces examined sure for Giardia (asymptomatic). She was once recognized with bilateral luxating patellas and won a Cytopoint injection. Optimistically between the shot and medicated baths, her pores and skin will beef up inside of a couple of weeks. She was once additionally scheduled for her spay within the subsequent coming weeks.
She is slightly timid however takes convenience in pets, rubs and cuddles. She has been getting on swimmingly with the resident canines and likes enjoying with them however can every so often be assertive in her play. She is operating on changing into higher buddies with the cat. She is in most cases a quiet gal, however upon first assembly the resident cat, Blossom barked moderately a bit of. She eats neatly and has taken a liking to chewing on Nylabones. She additionally LOVES couches and completely prefers her naps to be on a settee!
Blossom nonetheless struggles with leash strolling (despite the fact that, it’s making improvements to) and burglary. She is superb with pee pads however now not as just right about going potty outdoor. She is finding out new issues each day and doing so neatly, so with time, we’re hopeful she is going to beef up in those spaces. Keep tuned for when this treasured woman is on the lookout for her endlessly circle of relatives!