Interview with Gemma Ma on Traits of Cat Semi-Homeowners and Demanding situations in Australia’s Cat Welfare

Vicky Halls (Head of Unowned Cats) and Nathalie Dowgray (Head of ISFM, iCatCare’s Veterinary Department) interviewed Gemma Ma (RSPCA New South Wales, pictured), relating to her not too long ago revealed analysis on ‘Traits of cat semi-owners’ (learn it right here).

Those are individuals who maintain unowned home cats however don’t imagine themselves to possess those cats and are a possible audience for human behaviour exchange interventions to toughen cat welfare.

The interesting interview touches at the demanding situations in Australia in regards to the present session at the govt’s ‘Risk Abatement Plan for predation by way of Feral Cats 2023’. Glance out for it from December 22 on our veterinary podcast channel Chattering with ISFM, to be had to circulation on your entire favorite podcast platforms!

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