In compliance with applicable regulations, it is informed that this website, owned by Gabriel Guzman, residing at 10880 Barker Cypress Road, Cypress, establishes the following legal provisions:
1. Responsibility: Gabriel Guzman, as the owner of “All For My Pets,” is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information presented on this website. The user assumes full responsibility for using the information provided at their discretion.
2. Intellectual Property: All intellectual property rights to the content of this website and its graphic design are owned by Gabriel Guzman. Reproduction, distribution, and any other unauthorized use of the material are prohibited without the prior written consent of the owner.
3. External Links: This website may contain links to external sites. Gabriel Guzman has no control over the content and privacy practices of such sites and assumes no responsibility for them.
4. Privacy: For any privacy-related matters, please contact us at Gabriel Guzman guarantees the confidentiality of the provided data, which will be used solely for responding to inquiries and improving the user experience.
5. Proper Use: The user agrees to make appropriate and lawful use of the website and its contents in accordance with applicable law and these conditions.
6. Links to Third Parties: Reproducing the website or its contents through links or hyperlinks without express written authorization is prohibited. The website may contain links to other pages managed by third parties, but Gabriel Guzman is not responsible for the content of these sites.
7. Data Protection and Cookies: The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The use of cookies is done to enhance the user experience. Please refer to our Privacy and Cookies Policy for more information.
8. Modifications: Gabriel Guzman reserves the right to modify, expand, or suspend the content and services of the website, as well as these legal conditions, at any time and without prior notice.
9. Legislation and Jurisdiction: These conditions are governed by Spanish law. Any dispute will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the residence of Gabriel Guzman.
10. Force Majeure: No liability will be assumed in case of the impossibility of providing a service due to force majeure situations.
11. Informational Content: The contents and services of the website are for informational purposes. No guarantees of any kind are provided, except to the extent that they cannot be excluded by law.
12. Dispute Resolution: For any dispute, Spanish law will apply, and it will be submitted to the courts of the residence of Gabriel Guzman.
In the event that any provision of these conditions is unenforceable, the company will proceed to modify it to comply with the original objective as much as possible.