seventeenth to twenty third April – The magic of migration

Hen Observatory Warden Stuart
evaluations a very good week of migration at the island.

A gentle southeasterly
to begin the week used to be adopted by way of 3 days of robust easterlies. Average
east and southeast winds blew on twenty first and twenty second and the twenty third used to be an overly mild
northerly. The week used to be most commonly dry with rain against the tip of the week.

Two pairs of Teal
had been observed on Pondsbury this week. Two Shelduck
had been on Pondsbury on twenty second.  The 3rd
island report of Nice White Egret
used to be discovered on Pondsbury by way of visiting younger birders on seventeenth and used to be nonetheless provide
at the morning of 18th. The primary Collared
Dove of the yr gave the impression on 18th
and used to be joined by way of a 2d on nineteenth. They had been each observed as much as the twenty third. A Inventory Dove used to be observed on twenty third and surprisingly a flock of 13 Woodpigeon had been counted in Quarter Wall
Copse. The primary Cuckoo of the yr
used to be up by way of Previous Mild on 18th.

Nice White Egret, Pondsbury © Stuart Cossey
Shelduck, Pondsbury © Stuart Cossey

It used to be a very good week for wader migration. The island’s
seventh report of Little Ringed Plover
used to be heard after which observed with a Ringed
Plover and two Dunlin in Lighthouse Box on twentieth. It used to be then heard calling on
the night time of the twenty first. 5 Red
Sandpiper had been nonetheless at Brazen Ward
on nineteenth. Whimbrel had been observed on 5
dates together with two on twentieth, twenty second and twenty third. Ringed Plover had been observed
or heard on six dates with two on 18th and twenty third. 3 Dunlin had been observed on 18th and two on twentieth and twenty first. A overdue Jack Snipe used to be observed at the night time of twenty first. 3 Not unusual Sandpiper had been
round Rat Island on twenty first.

See also  From Iwokrama to Atta - 10,000 Birds
Little Ringed Plover, Lighthouse Box © Luke Marriner
Dunlin, Lighthouse Box © Stuart Cossey
Whimbrel, South West Box© Stuart Cossey
Not unusual Sandpiper, Rat Island © Stuart Cossey

Jenny’s Cove is getting busy with 559 Guillemot, 469 Razorbill
and 93 Puffin counted on twenty first. Different
than our breeding seabirds, a Black-headed
used to be observed on twenty second and a Mediterranean
Gull flew previous on nineteenth. A Sandwich Tern used to be within the Touchdown Bay on twenty third. A Nice Northern Diver used to be nonetheless provide within the Touchdown
Bay on seventeenth.

The wintering feminine Sparrowhawk
used to be remaining observed on twentieth and the Merlin
at the seventeenth. The pair of Kestrel are
steadily being observed at the side of Peregrines.
A Marsh Harrier flew over the island on

The in a single day fog and calm winds made for a excellent day of migration
on seventeenth. Totals come with 500 Willow Warbler, 74 Chiffchaff, 4 Reed Warbler, 12 Grasshopper Warbler,
5 Sedge Warbler, 300 Blackcap,
3 Whitethroat, a Firecrest and 6 Goldcrest.  After a complete day
of ringing in Millcombe a complete of 402 birds had been processed. Birds cleared out
in a single day with lowered numbers the remainder of the week with 50 Willow Warblers on 18th and 56 on twenty second. 9 Sedge Warblers had been
provide on twenty second at the side of Reed Warblers on 18th, twenty first and twenty second. As much as
3 Grasshopper Warblers had been recorded maximum days for
the remainder of the week.  A overdue Siberian Chiffchaff used to be ringed
in Millcombe on twenty third.

See also  Dan Tallman’s Chicken Weblog: Steller’s Jay
Reed Warbler, Millcombe © Danielle Carbott

Hirundines had been transferring via in large numbers. There have been top
counts of 500 Swallows on seventeenth, 340
on twentieth and 600 on twenty third. Space Martins and Sand Martins had been much less
widespread with max counts of 200 Space
Martins on twenty third and 110 Sand Martin on nineteenth. The primary Swifts
had been observed this week with one on 18th and any other on twentieth.

There used to be a small pulse of thrush migration. Ring Ouzel had been recorded between seventeenth and twenty second with a most of 12 on
18th, 5 on twenty first and 4 on nineteenth and twentieth. Six Music Thrush had been
recorded on twenty first together with our resident making a song male.

Ring Ouzel, West Aspect © Stuart Cossey

The primary Noticed
Flycatcher of the yr used to be observed on
twenty second. 9 Pied Flycatcher had been counted on seventeenth with 3 at the twenty first. Two had been
provide on 18th and twenty third and singles on twentieth and twenty second. A Black Redstart used to be observed
on seventeenth and 18th and as much as 12 Not unusual
Redstart had been observed on seventeenth. Different
top counts come with 5 Redstart on
18th and 6 on twenty first. A male Whinchat
used to be at the Terrace on twentieth. Evident passage of Wheatear used to be famous around the plateau. Over 80 had been observed on 18th,
twenty first and twenty second with the bulk being the bigger and brighter Greenland race.

See also  New Eagle Owl Child on the Nationwide Aviary
Pied Flycatcher, Barton Box © Reuben Veal
Greenland Wheatear, South West Box © Stuart Cossey
Greenland Wheatear, South West Box © Stuart Cossey

The male Blue-headed
used to be observed once more on seventeenth at the side of two different Yellow Wagtail. A unmarried feminine used to be observed on twenty first. As much as 4 White Wagtail had been observed throughout the week and there used to be a top rely of 16 alba wagtail
on seventeenth.5 Tree Pipit had been additionally famous on seventeenth with one
on 18th, 3 on twentieth and twenty second and 4 on twenty first.

Yellow Wagtail, Lighthouse Box © Stuart Cossey
Blue-headed Wagtail, Barton Box © Reuben Veal

A Serin
flew alongside the West Aspect with 3 Goldfinch
on twentieth. Two Greenfinch had been observed on
twenty third and a Siskin used to be observed on seventeenth.
Unmarried Lesser Redpoll had been counted on seventeenth and twenty first. A top rely of 35 Goldfinch had been counted on seventeenth. 196 Linnet had been counted on twenty third, 183 on
twenty first and 135 on seventeenth.

In non-avian information, a Painted
Girl and Peacock had been observed on seventeenth and a Pink Admiral on twentieth.

Members: Stuart Cossey, Luke Marriner, Rosie Ellis, Chris
Dee, Rackie Powell, Rob Duncan, David Kightley, Rueben Veal, Harry Hiscox, Will
Pearce, Jake Belton, Ellie Holley, Danielle Austin, Henry Pagem Owen Davies,
Sian Davies, Beth Newark, Iona Cunningham-Eurich, Stephan Cheung, Nathan
Williams, Alex Liddle

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