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“apw_handle”: “greenmin-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”196226957″ data-pw-url=”/products/greenmin-for-dogs” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGreenMin® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll Natural Mineral Superfoodu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”greenmin” data-title=”GreenMin® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eAll natural mineral and amino acid rich green superfood for dogsu003ca href=”/products/greenmin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-1″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg canadian-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg usa-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/greenmin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “gutsense-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”263799357″ data-pw-url=”/products/gutsense” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGutSense® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eProbiotic for Dogs – Made with Organic Ingredientsu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”gutsense” data-title=”GutSense® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eMost canine probiotics are made of human probiotic bacteria strains. GutSense is different. We have meticulously cherry-picked each probiotic strain to reflect the natural microflora of dogs. This product also contains prebiotics for best intestinal health. Made in USA.u003ca href=”/products/gutsense” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-2″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gutsense” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “feelgood-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”8434481616″ data-pw-url=”/products/feelgood-omega” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eFeelGood Omega® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003ePure u0026 Sustainable Omega Oilu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”feelgood” data-title=”FeelGood Omega® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eA pure, sustainable-source Omega-3 (EFA) oil. Micro filtered, tested toxin and heavy metal free.u003ca href=”/products/feelgood-omega” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-3″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Norwayu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/feelgood-omega” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “essentials-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:86%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eEssentialsu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eFor a long and healthy lifeu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eBrowse our best selling, natural and organic essential supplements for dogs.u003ca href=”/collections/essential-supplements” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-4″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/collections/essential-supplements” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “longevity-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:71%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHealth u0026 Longevityu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCourse for dog loversu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eBased on my experience, even a few simple adjustments in your dog’s life can easily extend his or her life by several years and you and I know that there is nothing more valuable than the gift of extra time with your best friend.u003ca href=”/pages/courses” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn n n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/courses” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003estart the course nowu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “mobility-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eMobility u0026 Arthritisu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCourse for holistic treatmentu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eNatural approach to treatment and prevention of arthritis in dogs. Learn how to approach your dog’s arthritis and mobility issues without side-effect causing drugs with Dr. Megan Kelly, DVM and Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM.u003ca href=”/pages/course-mobility” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn n n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/course-mobility” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “soulfood-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”196227409″ data-pw-url=”/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eSoulFood® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCertified organic multivitaminu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”soulfood” data-title=”SoulFood® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eSoulFood® is a revolutionary USDA certified organic multivitamin formula for dogs of all ages made with a patented, proprietary, all natural probiotic fermentation process.u003ca href=”/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-7″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg canadian-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg usa-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “skinspray-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”202349013″ data-pw-url=”/products/skin-spray” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eSkin Sprayu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eHerbal skin and wound careu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”skin” data-title=”Dr. Dobias Skin Spray ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eHeal owwiees and booboos quickly and naturally. Say goodbye to toxic chemicals antibiotics and anti-fungals. 100% satisfaction guaranteed!u003ca href=”/products/skin-spray” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-8″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/skin-spray” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it todayu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “hairq-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”196227309″ data-pw-url=”/products/hairq-test” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:89%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHairQ Testu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eThe secrets in your dog’s hairu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”hairq” data-title=”HairQ Test ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eA HairQ test provides you with a sensitive indicator of the long-term effects of diet and toxic metal exposure. Our tests results are obtained through a clinical, government approved lab.u003ca href=”/products/hairq-test” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-9″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/hairq-test” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

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“apw_handle”: “cleanse-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:84%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eCleanse u0026 Detoxu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eNatural guidelinesu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eLearn how to run our twice annual cleanse and detox program for your dog.u003ca href=”/pages/dog-cleanse” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-10″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/dog-cleanse” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003estart the cleanse nowu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “harness-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”9478226384″ data-pw-url=”/products/perfect-fit-harness-builder” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003ePerfect Fit Harnessu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eBuild your ownu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”perfect” data-title=”Perfect Fit Harness ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eMade in England, the Perfect Fit Harness is a modular system that allows you to create a fleece-lined harness perfectly fitted to your dog.u003ca href=”/products/perfect-fit-harness-builder” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-11″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in UKu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/perfect-fit-harness-builder” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “leash-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”4487188250676″ data-pw-url=”/products/gentle-leash” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:84%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGentleu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eSoft handmade leashesu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”gentle” data-title=”Gentle Leash ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eOur best selling leash, environmentally friendly, 100% natural wool, strong and lightweight, shock absorbing for your dogs safety. Handmade in Canada.u003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-12″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “fleahex-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”1273892293″ data-pw-url=”/products/fleahex-wash” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGentleu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll natural flea controlu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eOur new generation, plant-based flea control for dogs includes FleaHex Wash, FleaHex Household Spray and TickHex (tick and flea body spray). We guarantee that you will get rid of fleas and ticks and keep them from coming back!u003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-13″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “tickhex-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”9158487568″ data-pw-url=”/products/tickhex” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eTickHexu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll natural tick controlu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”tickhex” data-title=”TickHex® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eTickHex® was born out of a desire to create a natural, non-toxic, plant-based product to keep your dog tick and flea free without toxic chemicals and drugs. Guaranteed efficacy.u003ca href=”/products/tickhex” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-14″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/tickhex” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “dog-tool”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHealthy Dog Toolu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eFor a longer, healthier life for your dogu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eSimply enter your dog’s details and health concerns to receive automatic article recommendations, helpful tips, and learn how natural supplements can help your dog achieve optimal health.u003ca href=”/pages/healthydogtool” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-15″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/healthydogtool” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003ePlay Nowu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003esee what you learn!u003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “rawdiet-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eRaw u0026 Cooked Diet Courseu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003evideo, resources, and FAQsu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eA quick and easy course to learn how to feed a raw or cooked natural diet for your dog. Through the videos, articles and resources provided you will understand the essence of raw (or cooked) diet feeding and be able to tailor it to your dog’s needsu003ca href=”/pages/dog-nutrition-course” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-16″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/dog-nutrition-course” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor take the courseu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “happy-holidays”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHappy Holidays -u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eMake the Holiday Giving Meaningful!u003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eGive your dog or your friend’s dog the gift of good health and long life, receive 10- 20% off and we will ship it for free worldwide on orders over $129.00! Plus get a free tote with Skai and his friends on it!u003ca href=”” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-17″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#d50000;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eup to 20% offu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “raw-diet-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//×600-raw-ad-1_large.jpg?v=1613780720″ style=”max-width:83%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHealthy recipe builder for dogs.u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eTell your dog “I Love You” by making a tasty, healthy and balanced meal.nCreate natural, homemade dog food recipes in minutes with our Healthy Dog Food Recipe Maker.u003ca href=”/pages/healthy-recipe-maker” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn n n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/healthy-recipe-maker” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eTry it nowu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

See also  The Nutrient Depletion Epidemic

“apw_handle”: “livertune-blog-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”4173696761908″ data-pw-url=”/products/livertune-supplement” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eLiverTuneu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCertified Organic, Naturally Fermented Liver Supportu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eCarefully formulated to support your canine friend’s liver, eliminate heavy metals and toxins for optimal health and longevity.u003ca href=”/products/livertune-supplement” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-19″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/livertune-supplement” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”


Redefining the handle wounds, scrapes, stings, bites or fungus – the facility of natural curative

Do you recall the closing time you or your animal good friend had a scrape or a reduce? Take into account the stinging sensation of the antiseptic, the ache, the concern of making sure the wound stays blank, and the combat of managing to forestall an an infection?

Most of the people concern about infections and combat to make sense of conflicting wound-healing suggestions on-line.

What if I instructed you that the important thing to faster, more secure wound curative might be so simple as making use of a natural spray that addresses ache, swelling, and bleeding and helps sooner curative?

In my early days as a vet, I labored with horses who had been superb at working thru barbed twine fences, which gave me intensive enjoy within the space of pores and skin curative.

Operating with horses made me perceive the name of the game to sooner curative was once hydrotherapy – taking a hose and rinsing the wound a number of occasions an afternoon for 5-10 mins with chilly water to stay it blank.

The flow of water no longer handiest prevents wounds from drying it additionally washes off micro organism and forestalls an infection.

Once I ventured into small animal apply, I discovered a large acceptance of chlorhexidine cleaning soap for wound care.

Most of the people think that as a result of it’s broadly used, it has got to be excellent, however this isn’t essentially true.

Chlorhexidine cleaning soap could also be k for killing micro organism, however it is usually poisonous to the outside cells that want to heal, which slows down the curative procedure; plus, it is regarded as an irritant to pores and skin, eyes, lungs, and mucous membranes. It is unexpected to me that chlorhexidine remains to be utilized in mouthwash.

It’s possible you’ll assume hydrogen peroxide is a more secure choice; alternatively, although it becomes water when it bubbles up, the chemical response destroys pores and skin cells at the side of micro organism.

For this reason hydrogen peroxide additionally slows down the curative procedure and why I by no means use it.

Then there may be Polysporin, a family identify for wound-healing antibiotic ointments and lotions. It is going to wonder you to listen to that I by no means use it. The petroleum jelly base utilized in those merchandise is similar stuff we get from crude oil, and it’s a pores and skin irritant.

Overusing those merchandise additionally breeds antibiotic-resistant micro organism, developing a movie that slows curative. Canine and cats also are drawn to the greasy substance, and licking reasons extra hurt. So, they’re no longer actually the most productive answer for wounds in spite of everything.


A wound curative manner that has been confirmed with 20+ years in apply.

I first deal with virtually any wound, incision, or reduce with a radical flush of body-temperature water or a saline answer. I then dry the wound and observe a natural Pores and skin Spray that is pH optimized to advertise fast curative.

Pores and skin Spray helps speedy wound curative, decreases wound swelling, and decreases ache and discomfort because of a mix of 4 herbs that paintings in synergy.

Pores and skin Spray is in line with a Eu custom of 3 generations of healers. I used to be fortunate sufficient to have realized about herbs at an early age from my grandfather, an herbalist, and from my father, a veterinarian.

In contrast to conventional disinfectants and chemical or antibiotic-based wound therapies, Pores and skin Spray incorporates herbs that paintings in synergy with the physique, activating the physique’s immune defenses. It is usually non-toxic, which is especially useful for pets that revel in licking off topical merchandise.

Meet the 4 robust herbs that supply speedy, pain-free herbal curative:

  1. Calendula isn’t just a horny flower within the lawn. It’s nature’s resolution to curative wounds, preventing pimples, calming irritation, or even controlling bleeding, all along with its antiviral and anti-carcinogenic results.
  2. Hydrastis (Goldenseal) amplifies the medicinal results of alternative herbs whilst bringing its personal anti inflammatory and anti-microbial energy to the equation.
  3. Witch Hazel is a herbal astringent that minimizes irritation, reduces swelling, and addresses quite a lot of pores and skin issues, together with wounds, pimples, bruises, and bug bites.
  4. Yucca treats pores and skin lesions and sprains, reduces irritation, and forestalls bleeding. It is usually identified for soothing joint and muscle ache.

A shocking reality about wound curative and scabs

Most of the people nonetheless consider that having a thick scab helps curative, however this isn’t true. If truth be told, thick scabs result in higher possibilities of an infection and extra outstanding scarring. Gently soaking after which getting rid of a scab lets in for faster curative.

Sounds opposite to standard knowledge, proper? However all the way through my 25-plus years in apply, I have noticed how maintaining the wound blank, combating thick scab formation, and making use of Pores and skin Spray ends up in sooner curative than leaving the scab on.

Check out it the following time you might have a scratch or scrape; you could be pleasantly shocked!

Tips on how to deal with various kinds of wounds

For minor pores and skin wounds, scrapes, abrasions, and burns, washing below working water instantly and making use of Pores and skin Spray topically 3 to 5 occasions day by day for a couple of days is perfect.

For deeper wounds, surgical incisions, or extra critical burns, observe Pores and skin Spray on a work of gauze or bandage liberally and alter it a few times day by day till the outside is healed. You’ll use Vetrap (a self-adhesive bandage) or one thing an identical and spray Pores and skin spray immediately onto the bandage to SATURATE it with the natural answer and stay it wet.

You might wish to repeat, “SATURATE BABY, SATURATE!” In a thick Eu accessory that can assist you bear in mind this while you deal with a reduce. 😉 

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Even difficult wounds equivalent to reduce paws in canines can take pleasure in this herbal means.

A gauze saturated with Pores and skin Spray can save you infections, considerably accelerate wound curative, and can be utilized for athlete’s foot, fungus, eczema, itchy pores and skin, ringworm, bee or wasp stings, and mosquito bites.

In the end, chemical antiseptics which can be poisonous to the wound, cells, and the entire physique and destructive to the surroundings aren’t the important thing to efficient wound curative.

This isn’t to mention that antibiotics are by no means wanted when treating wounds; they simply don’t seem to be wanted as regularly as we as soon as believed.

So the following time you or your animal good friend have a wound, scratch, or sting, make sure you have Pores and skin Spray on your emergency package. In my view, I by no means trip with out it.

FAQs about wound curative:

Will this wound go away a scar?
Incessantly making use of our Pores and skin Spray, which inspires herbal curative, can reduce the chance of scarring.

How can I forestall the bleeding?
Pores and skin Spray incorporates yucca, a herbal herb identified for its bleeding-stopping functions. 

This reduce is so deep; must I’m going to the ER?
In case you are involved, you must indisputably search skilled scientific recommendation. For much less critical cuts, a rinse with body-temperature water or saline answer after which utility of Pores and skin Spray can lend a hand get started the curative procedure.

I am anxious about an infection. How can I blank this correctly?
Washing the wound below working water and making use of Pores and skin Spray, which incorporates herbal anti-microbial homes, can lend a hand thrust back an infection.

My reduce is stinging and burning. Is that standard?
Preliminary stinging or burning can also be customary, however our Pores and skin Spray incorporates herbs like calendula and witch hazel, which is able to lend a hand soothe those sensations.

I have been stung via a bee, and it is swelling up. What must I do?
Observe Pores and skin Spray to the sting-affected space. Pores and skin Spray is designed to lend a hand with lowering swelling and discomfort.

This insect chunk is so itchy. How can I am getting reduction?
Pores and skin Spray works wonders on insect bites, offering soothing reduction from itching and swelling.

Is that this redness across the wound customary?
Redness could be a customary a part of curative however may be an indication of irritation or an an infection. Pores and skin Spray has anti inflammatory homes to lend a hand cut back this; alternatively, we advise seeing your well being care supplier.

I am not certain if my tetanus vaccination is up-to-the-minute. Will have to I be involved? 
You must at all times test with a healthcare supplier for considerations like this. In the meantime, maintaining the wound blank with water and Pores and skin Spray can lend a hand save you an infection.

My surgical incision seems to be just a little crimson and puffy. Is {that a} signal of an infection? 
Whilst some redness and puffiness can also be customary, Pores and skin Spray can lend a hand cut back those signs and accelerate curative.

I am anxious concerning the wound getting rainy. What is the easiest way to stay it dry?
In reality, maintaining a wound too dry can sluggish curative. The usage of Pores and skin Spray helps to keep the wound surroundings balanced for optimum curative.

The stitches really feel tight and uncomfortable. Is that this a foul signal?
Tightness could be a customary a part of curative. To appease discomfort, check out making use of Pores and skin Spray across the space (indirectly on stitches except suggested via a healthcare skilled).

The wound is not curative as speedy as I assumed it will. Is one thing improper?
Each individual and each wound is other. In case you are involved, search scientific recommendation. And bear in mind, common utility of Pores and skin Spray can give a boost to sooner curative.

The reduce nonetheless hurts, even after a few days. Will have to it nonetheless be painful?
Some discomfort can also be customary, however Pores and skin Spray can lend a hand soothe ache and give a boost to curative. If ache persists, search scientific recommendation.

The wound is oozing a abnormal liquid. Is that this a part of the curative procedure?
Some oozing can also be customary, however over the top or colored discharge can point out an infection. Pores and skin Spray can lend a hand save you an infection however talk over with a healthcare supplier in case you are involved.

My kid has a reduce. How can I lead them to extra comfy?
Blank the wound with water or saline answer and observe Pores and skin Spray. It is secure, non-toxic, and will lend a hand soothe ache and discomfort.

I have been bitten via a mosquito, and it is getting larger. Is that this an hypersensitive reaction?
It might be. Pores and skin Spray can lend a hand soothe the itchiness and swelling. For critical reactions, search scientific recommendation.

I do not like the edge from disinfectants.
Pores and skin Spray cools and soothes the wound and decreases the ache inside a couple of mins after utility.

I am anxious concerning the long-term results of the use of chemical therapies. 
Pores and skin Spray is a herbal, non-toxic remedy possibility that is secure for long-term use and does not hurt the physique or the surroundings.

I’ve delicate pores and skin. Can I nonetheless use this spray?
Completely! The substances in Pores and skin Spray are herbal and delicate, making it an excellent possibility even for delicate pores and skin varieties.

My puppy can not seem to forestall licking their wounds. Is that this secure if ingested?
Pores and skin Spray is secure and non-toxic, so in case your puppy licks the handled space, there is no want to concern.

I am scared my wound will go away a scar.
Pores and skin Spray promotes wholesome tissue enlargement, serving to to reduce scarring. Take into account, maintaining wounds blank and combating thick scab formation is the most important for scar prevention.

I am undecided when to hunt skilled scientific lend a hand for my wound.
Pores and skin Spray can also be efficient for lots of forms of wounds, however it is at all times essential to hunt skilled scientific recommendation for deep, huge, or inflamed wounds or if the situation does not enhance inside a couple of days.

Can this spray be used on all forms of wounds?
Sure, Pores and skin Spray can be utilized on quite a lot of wounds, from minor cuts and scrapes to extra important accidents. For critical wounds, it is at all times easiest to hunt scientific consideration.

What concerning the environmental have an effect on of my merchandise?
Pores and skin Spray’s herbal, environmentally pleasant formula makes it a guilt-free selection for wound care.

Will have to I stay the wound dry for it to heal correctly?
Whilst cleanliness is very important, maintaining a wound dry can sluggish curative. Pores and skin Spray maintains a humid curative surroundings, selling sooner restoration.

Will this spray sting my wound like different antiseptics?
No, Pores and skin Spray supplies a cooling, soothing sensation, not like conventional antiseptics’ conventional sting.

Will have to I go away the scab on or take it off for the wound to heal?
Gently getting rid of the scab and maintaining the wound blank, coupled with Pores and skin Spray utility, can accelerate curative.

How do I observe this spray on a extra critical wound or burn?
Pores and skin Spray can also be carried out immediately onto gauze or a bandage, which is then positioned at the wound. Take into account, critical wounds must at all times be noticed via a healthcare skilled.

I am undecided if this remedy will paintings for my puppy’s explicit wound.
Pores and skin Spray is flexible and can also be really useful for quite a lot of wounds. Alternatively, in case your puppy has a critical or non-healing wound, it is best to discuss with a vet.


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