Flora and fauna ACT wins First at WTM Africa Accountable Tourism Awards

On 4 April, Flora and fauna ACT gained the Gold Award for ‘Highest Nature-Sure Tourism’ on the WTM Africa Accountable Tourism Awards. This crucial award recognised the organisation as first position in Africa for this class – an incredible fulfillment for our staff. 

Flora and fauna ACT’s Bookkeeper, Katie Bradley; and Fundraisings and Partnerships Supervisor, Pippa Orpen attended the development at WTM Africa’s Highlight Theatre in Cape The city to simply accept the award. 

Photograph by means of WTM Africa

This Gold Award for Highest Nature-Sure Tourism highlights the significance of our voluntourism style, which matches hand-in-hand with the very important conservation paintings carried out by means of our staff and valued companions. 

We’re extraordinarily grateful for this popularity by means of WTM Africa and wish to take this chance to supply our sincerest because of the entire conservation companions and devoted volunteers who’ve made what we do imaginable.

“We’re overjoyed to be awarded gold in Highest Nature-Sure Tourism. Our staff works extremely arduous, rolling up their sleeves each day serving to to avoid wasting endangered and precedence natural world species. This award recognises our groups’ determination, and validates Flora and fauna ACT’s distinctive sustainable tourism style which permits us to ship necessary conservation results. I may just now not be prouder.”

– Johan Maree, Co-Founding father of Flora and fauna ACT.

Photograph by means of WTM Africa

About Flora and fauna ACT’s Volunteer Fashion:

From the outset Flora and fauna ACT established a excursion running corporate which evolved various “voluntourism”-based fashions to permit other folks to beef up and give a contribution to necessary conservation efforts around the continent thru their lively participation. 

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This volunteer style has confirmed to achieve success achieve conservation objectives, investment conservation efforts, and likewise fostering a way of neighborhood and shared accountability for the safety of natural world species.

In finding out extra about turning into a natural world conservation volunteer right here.

RELATED POST: Fashion of Accountable Voluntourism: Infographic

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